Jonathan Gerth
I specialize in research that supports populations with disabilities in summer camp settings. I am currently looking to collaborate in camp research that amplifies campers' voices in programming and improves camp accessibility and inclusion.
What am I up to?
Doctoral Candidate | Leisure Behavior Program at Indiana University
Graduate Research Assistant | Jordan Lab at Indiana University
Direct Support Professional | Insights ViaQuest Community Solutions
What do I research? How?
Summer & Medical Specialty Camps
Youth & Adults with Disabilities
- Social Identity Theory
- Social Model of Disability
- Universal Design
- Participatory Interviews
- Program Implementation Evaluation
- Conversational & Discourse Analysis
- Arts-Based Methodologies
- Auto-Ethnographic Methods
Gerth, J., Jordan, E. J., Hawkins, M. A. W., Pickett, A. C., & Lester, J. N. (under review). Exploring disability identity development for youth with physical disabilities attending a medical specialty camp. Therapeutic Recreation Journal.
Simić Stanojević, I., Gerth, J., & Piatt, J. (2022). Stuck inside: Impact of COVID-19 countermeasures on individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and role of recreation therapy interventions--Call to action. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 56(3).
Gerth, J. (2020). Supporting children with intellectual and developmental disabilities in health care settings. Pediatric Nursing, 46(2), 99-102.
Gerth, J., Yao, X., Nuseibeh, B., Shih, P., Nelson, E., Prather, A., Schootman, M., Carter, S., & Jordan, E. (2025, March). Location differences in daily stress for midlife adults with physical impairments: Insights from Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA). Society of Behavioral Medicine Conference, San Francisco, California
Gerth, J. (2025, February). How camps can better inform potential camp families of children with disabilities. American Camp Association National Conference, Dallas, Texas.
Gerth, J. (2025, February). A systematic review of the populations and outcomes studied in medical specialty camp literature. American Camp Association Research Forum, Dallas, Texas.
Professional Experience
Camp Kan Du at Bradford Woods
Camp Kan Du is a summer camp for children with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities that gives them a typical camp experience. I developed and conducted a program evaluation of the camp session for staff, parents, and campers
Lead Researcher & Evaluator | 2024
StRIVE Project
The STRIVE (Stress Reports in Variable Environments) project in the Jordan Lab at Indiana University focuses on the study of individuals’ experiences of stress. Here, I analyzed data of individuals’ experiences of stress related to their disability status.
Graduate Research Assistant | 2024 - Present
PI | Evan Jordan
Therabot Project
The Therabot project hosted in the R-House Lab at Indiana University conducts research on robots and their use as socially assistive tools to improve individuals’ health. Here, I managed recruitment, data collection, and communication with study participants throughout the duration of the study.
Graduate Research Assistant | 2022
Co-PIs | Dr. Jenn Piatt and Dr. Selma Šabanović
Help at Home & Insights ViaQuest Community Solutions
Through Help at Home and Insights Consulting, I worked as a Direct Support Professional for three adults with disabilities
Direct Support Professional | 2020 - Present
Bradford Woods
Bradford Woods is a medical specialty camp that provides services for youth with a variety of health conditions. Here, I trained and supervised counselors in providing quality care for campers.
Cabin Head & Counselor | Summers 2016-2019
Indiana University - Bloomington
As an instructional assistant, I Facilitated students’ development of semester capstone projects in Professional Development Seminar for students pursuing a Masters of Public Health
Graduate Instructional Assistant | 2022 - 2024